A harmless, fun and social activity with a touch of competition

only at Ballerud Golfclub, Høvik

Matchplay, what is it?

Fun, Harmless, Social, “Practice as you play”, Great focus, Excitement, Competition, Evaluation

How to enter a matchplay


The first thing you need to do, it to create an account on this website. 

It allows you to participate in matchplays and analyze your performance. 


Every week will we set up one or more  matchplays on Ballerud Golfclub, Høvik, for you to participate in.

In May, will it be FREE of charge to participate. for anyone.

the Matchplay game

In a matchplay will the players play matches against each other until the duration time is over. 

The players will be paired based on an algorithm in the first round, and then by their total points. 

A match can have 2-4 players and every match can have unlimited challenges. 

Every challenge will test your skills from different turfs (green, fwy, sand, semi rough) and distances (up to around 40m.). The matchplay is played by the rules of “Practice as you play” (read about it in the next section).

The goal for each challenge is to come as close as possible to the hole. The players ball closest to pin (on green or fringe) win this challenge and will collect 3p. (3-2-1-0p). 

When all challenges in the same match are over, the player with most points will collect 3p (3-2-1-0p) for this match. The points each player get, will be added to the leaderboard.

When the matchplay duration time is over, the player with most points on the leaderboard will be the winner of this matchplay. 

Will it be you? 🙂

The Flow of a challange

“Practice as you play” is a good statement, that we follow when playing a matchplay.

  • One shot on each challenge

  • Drop the ball and play it from there (not bunker)

  • Measure the ball distance from hole after the shot

  • Distance and turf are required parameters when register your shot result. That alone will give you the valuable "Strokes Gained". If you register the optional fields, you will have full benefit of our "Unique performance System", to understand you golf game much better.

  • Replace divots and repair pitchmarks

livescore & performance strokes gained

The registration of each shot result has a couple of benefits.

Livescore: We can create a LIVE leaderboard so you can follow every players standing. 

A livescore board can be as good as it can be bad. We all are different. A few things a live leaderboard can give us: 

More focus | Change strategy for the next match | More/Less pressure | More/Less nervousity | More/Less stress 

What ever it give you, you need to practice in that situation so you are prepared for the future.

Evaluation with Strokes Gained: Every shot/putt you register will give you the famous “Strokes Gained” developed by Dr,XX. It gives you a number (positive or negative) how you perform against the players on the PGA tour from different turfs and distances.

Use it when you evaluate your golf game around and on the green.

unique performance system

If you spend as little as 15 extra seconds to register the optional parameters for each shot, will you have full benefit of our unique performance system. 

The 6 optional parameters to register are: Stance, Ball lie, Shot type, Club,, Ball contact, Commitment. Most of the fields are prefilled for you.

The performance system works similar as when you filter on a product on elkjø or 

An example: The system tell you that your ball contact is not optimal, you “duff” 30% of all your shots around the green. Now filter on all shots where your ball contact is “duff” and the system will show you how many times you “duff” from different turfs, different distances and different clubs. The result might tell you that you have a really hard time hitting the ball from the fairway with your Sand Wedge.  

One more example: Filter on all shots inside 20 meter outside the green from the fringe. You will now get a list with all your shots with all the different clubs you have used. What club are you performing best/worse with? Is it the putter or an iron club?

The list of examples are endless how the performance system will help you understand your own game, so you can start practice smarter to become the golfer you want to be in shortest period of time. 🙂

responsive mobile friendly

TTM is 100% responsive meaning it works on mobile, tablets & desktop